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Object reference

The following class initialization docstrings should give you an idea of the objects that are used in the OpenCV FR Python package.


An exception that may be raised when interacting with the backend.

from import APIError
class APIError(Exception):
    """Class that defines an API Error
    :param http_status_code: the HTTP status code of the error
    :type int
    :param err_code: the API error code
    :type str
    :param messsage: the API error message
    :type str
    :param retry_after: if present, specifies the time 
        in seconds when the request can be retried to meet rate limit checks
    :type Union[int, None]


An exception that may be raised when interacting with the backend and using a field value that is invalid.

from import APIDataValidationError
class APIDataValidationError(Exception):
    """Class that defines an API Data Validation Error
    :param details: Error details from API Server
    :type dict


An enum specifying the sort order

from import SortOrder
class SortOrder(enum.Enum):
    '''Sort order of collections'''
    ASC = "ASC"
    DESC = "DESC"


An object to create a Collection

from import CollectionBase
class CollectionBase:
    '''A minimal collection object for creation

    :param name: the name of the collection
    :type name:str
    :param description: the description of the collection
    :type description: str


An object representing a previously created Collection

from import Collection
class Collection(CollectionBase):
    '''A previously created collection object

    :param id: the id of a previously created collection
    :type id:str
    :param name: the name of the collection
    :type name:str
    :param description: the description of the collection
    :type description: str
    :param count: the number of persons in this collection
    :type count: int
    :param create_date: date that this collection was created
    :type create_date: datetime
    :param modified_date: date that this collection was modified
    :type modified_date: datetime


An object representing a list of collections matching specifying paging and search criteria

from import CollectionList
class CollectionList:
    '''A list of collections

    :param count: the total count of all collections in the database
    :type count:int
    :param collections: the collections matching the criteria
    :type collections:List[Collection]


An object specifying an update request to add and remove persons

from import UpdateCollectionRequest
class UpdateCollectionRequest:
    '''An object to update a collection with new persons or removed persons
        :param collection_id: ID of the collections to add or remove persons
        :type collection_id: str
        :param new_person_ids: ID of the persons to be added to the collection
        :type new_person_ids: Optional[List[str]]
        :param removed_person_ids: ID of the persons to be removed from the collection
        :type removed_person_ids: Optional[List[str]]


A response object returned from updating a collection with new and removed persons

from import UpdateCollectionResponse
class UpdateCollectionResponse:
    '''A response object from updating a collection with new and removed persons

    :param collection_id: ID of the collection
    :type collection_id: str
    :param new_person_ids: ID of the persons added to the collection
    :type new_person_ids: Optional[List[str]]
    :param removed_person_ids: ID of the persons removed from the collection
    :type removed_person_ids: Optional[List[str]]


An object to create a Person

from import PersonBase
class PersonBase:
    '''A person object

    :param images: a list of images (max 3), with each image 
        being either a numpy array (obtained with cv2.imread), 
        a string (path to a file), a Pillow image (obtained with, or a pathlib path
    :type images:List[Union[np.ndarray, str, Image, Path]]
    :param id: a unique identifier for the person. 
        If unspecified a new id will be generated, defaults to None
    :type id: Optional[str]
    :param name: the name of the person
    :type name:Optional[str]
    :param gender: the gender of the person, defaults to None
    :type gender: Optional[PersonGender]
    :param date_of_birth: the date of birth of the person, defaults to None
    :type date_of_birth: Optional[datetime]
    :param nationality: the nationality of the person, defaults to None
    :type nationality: Optional[str]
    :param collections: a list containing either Collection, 
        CollectionBase objects, or strings representing the 
        id of the collections that this person belongs to, 
        defaults to empty list []
    :type collections: Optional[List[Union[Collection, CollectionBase, str]]]
    :param notes: any additional notes about the person, defaults to None
    :type notes: Optional[str]
    :param is_bulk_insert: whether this person is part of a 
        bulk insert batch, defaults to False
    :type is_bulk_insert: Optional[bool]


An object representing a previously created Person

from import Person
class Person(PersonBase):
    '''A previously created person object

    :param images: a list of images (max 3), with each image 
        being either a numpy array (obtained with cv2.imread), 
        a string (path to a file), a Pillow image (obtained with, or a pathlib path
    :type images:List[Union[numpy.ndarray, str, PIL.Image.Image, pathlib.Path]]
    :param id: a unique identifier for the person.
    :type id: Optional[str]
    :param name: the name of the person
    :type name:Optional[str]
    :param gender: the gender of the person, defaults to None
    :type gender: Optional[PersonGender]
    :param date_of_birth: the date of birth of the person, defaults to None
    :type date_of_birth: Optional[datetime]
    :param nationality: the nationality of the person, defaults to None
    :type nationality: Optional[str]
    :param collections: a list containing either Collection, 
        CollectionBase objects, or strings representing the 
        id of the collections that this person belongs to, 
        defaults to empty list []
    :type collections: Optional[List[Union[Collection, CollectionBase, str]]]
    :param notes: any additional notes about the person, defaults to None
    :type notes: Optional[str]
    :param is_bulk_insert: whether this person is part of a 
        bulk insert batch, defaults to False
    :type is_bulk_insert: Optional[bool]
    :param create_date: date that this person was created
    :type create_date: datetime
    :param modified_date: date that this person was modified
    :type modified_date: datetime


An object representing a list of collections matching specifying paging and search criteria

from import PersonList
class PersonList:
    '''A list of persons

    :param count: the total count of all persons in the database
    :type count:int
    :param persons: the persons matching the criteria
    :type persons:List[Person]


An enum specifying type of action for bulk operations

from import Action
class Action(enum.Enum):


An object specifying a bulk action request

from import UpdatePersonsRequest
class UpdatePersonsRequest:
    """A update person request object

    :param action: type of bulk operation
    :type action: Action
    :param person_ids: list of ID for persons 
    :type person_ids: List(str)    


A response object for a bulk action

from import UpdatePersonsResponse
class UpdatePersonsResponse:
    """A update person response object

    :param person_ids: List of person IDs with successful operation
    :type person_ids: List(str)    


An enum specifying search mode

from import SearchMode
class SearchMode(enum.Enum):
    FAST = 'FAST'


An object specifying a search request

from import SearchRequest
class SearchRequest:
    """A search request object

    :param collection_id: the collection id to restrict the search
    :type collection_id:str
    :param images: a list of images (max 3), with each image 
        being either a numpy array (obtained with cv2.imread), 
        a string (path to a file), a Pillow image (obtained with, or a pathlib path
    :type images:List[Union[numpy.ndarray, str, PIL.Image.Image, pathlib.Path]]
    :param min_score: a minimum score to match the person, defaults to 0.7
    :type min_score: Optional[float]
    :param search_mode: the model to search FAST or ACCURATE, defaults to FAST
    :type search_mode: Optional[SearchMode]


An item in a search response

from import PersonSearchResult
class PersonSearchResult:
    '''A Person and an associated similarity score

    :param person: the person
    :type person: Person
    :param score: the similarity score
    :type score: float


Options for a search

from import SearchOptions
class SearchOptions:
    '''Class to specify search options

    :param collection_id: the collection id to restrict the search
    :type collection_id: str
    :param min_score: a minimum score to optionally search 
        for a person, defaults to 0.7
    :type min_score: Optional[float]
    :param search_mode: the mode to use for the SearchMode.FAST 
        or SearchMode.ACCURATE, defaults to FAST
    :type search_mode: Optional[SearchMode]


An object specifying a detection request

from import DetectionRequest
class DetectionRequest:
    '''A detect object

    :param images: a list of images (max 3), with each image 
        being either a numpy array (obtained with cv2.imread), 
        a string (path to a file), a Pillow image (obtained with, or a pathlib path
    :type image: Union[numpy.ndarray, str, PIL.Image.Image, pathlib.Path]
    :param search_options: optional search options, defaults to None. 
        If not specified, the search will not be performed
    :type search_options: SearchOptions


An object specifying a bounding box in a detection response item

from import Box
class Box:
    '''A bounding box

    :param left: left ordinate
    :type left: int
    :param top: top ordinate
    :type top: int
    :param right: right ordinate
    :type right: int
    :param bottom: bottom ordinate
    :type bottom: int


An object specifying x and y coordinates

from import Coordinate
class Coordinate:
    '''A coordinate

    :param x: x ordinate
    :type x: int
    :param y: y ordinate
    :type y: int


An object specifying facial landmarks

from import Landmarks
class Landmarks:
    '''Landmarks of a face

    :param left_eye: left eye
    :type left_eye: Coordinate
    :param right_eye: right eye
    :type right_eye: Coordinate
    :param nose: nose
    :type nose: Coordinate
    :param left_mouth: left mouth
    :type left_mouth: Coordinate
    :param right_mouth: right mouth
    :type right_mouth: Coordinate


A single item in the list of items returned when calling the detect API

from import DetectionResponseItem
class DetectionResponseItem:
    '''A detection response item (one face) of a detection response
    which consists of a bounding box, landmarks, thumbnail, 
    detection score, and list of matching persons

    :param box: bounding box
    :type box: Box
    :param landmarks: landmarks
    :type landmarks: Landmarks
    :param thumbnail: thumbnail
    :type thumbnail: Image
    :param score: detection score
    :type score: float
    :param persons: list of matching persons
    :type persons: List[PersonSearchResult]


A object specifying a verification request

from import VerificationRequest
class VerificationRequest:
    '''A verification request object

    :param id: the id of a person being verified
    :type id:str
    :param images: a list of images (max 3), with each image 
        being either a numpy array (obtained with cv2.imread), 
        a string (path to a file), a Pillow image (obtained with, or a pathlib path
    :type images:List[Union[numpy.ndarray, str, PIL.Image.Image, pathlib.Path]]
    :param min_score: a minimum score to match the person, defaults to 0.7
    :type min_score: Optional[float]
    :param search_mode: the model to search FAST or ACCURATE, defaults to ACCURATE
    :type search_mode: Optional[SearchMode]


An object specifying a verification response

from import VerificationResponse
class VerificationResponse:
    '''A verification response object

    :param person: the person being verified
    :type person: Person
    :param score: the score of the verification
    :type score: float


An enum representing the type of image capture device for liveness analysis

from import DeviceType
class DeviceType(enum.Enum):
    IOS = 'IOS'


An object specifying a liveness request

from import LivenessRequest
class LivenessRequest:
    '''A liveness request object

    :param os: OS setting to choose being either DeviceType.DESKTOP, 
        DeviceType.ANDROID, or DeviceType.IOS
    :type os: Optional[DeviceType]
    :param image: image being either a numpy array (obtained with cv2.imread), 
        a string (path to a file), a Pillow image 
        (obtained with, or a pathlib path
    :type image: Union[numpy.ndarray, str, PIL.Image.Image, pathlib.Path]


An object specifying a liveness response

from import LivenessResponse
class LivenessResponse:
    '''A liveness response object

    :param score: the score of the liveness
    :type score: float


from import CompareRequest
class CompareRequest:
    '''A compare request object

    :param gallery: a list of images (max 3), with each image 
        being either a numpy array (obtained with cv2.imread), 
        a string (path to a file), a Pillow image (obtained with, or a pathlib path
    :type gallery: List[Union[numpy.ndarray, str, PIL.Image.Image, pathlib.Path]]
    :param probe: another list of images (like gallery)
    :type probe: List[Union[numpy.ndarray, str, PIL.Image.Image, pathlib.Path]]
    :param search_mode: the model to search FAST or ACCURATE, defaults to FAST
    :type search_mode: Optional[SearchMode]